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Re: 87' 5KQT turbo overpressure

At 04:09 PM 2/25/99 -0500, you wrote:
>My newly-aquired 1987 5KQT is consistantly activating the turbo
>overpressure switch (fuel cutoff) when accelerating under part or full
>throttle conditions. 

Find the wastegate (in front of the washer bottle). Remove the washer
bottle and replace the lower wastegate hose - its shot. Buy 3/8" ID fuel
injection hose.

********************************AUDI FAN*********************************
                EMCM(SW) - retirement 30 Apr... Dave Head  
87 5KCStq 249K miles - fer sale, durned good price
89 200q 181K miles - awaiting cleanup
    qcusa #3442                                           Oviedo, Florida     