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Parts chases - archival information
Here's a perfect example
>Subj: RE: Part number chases
No archive part search will pull subframe/bushing PN out of this, in fact, no
archive part search SHOULD pull subframe/bushing PN out of this. So EVERY
part number entered on subject will pop this one, and if it does, it will also
pull ALL discussion on PN chases themselves. Kinda reminds me of the HotBot
commercials here in the states.
> I usually go to The Parts Connection's site to find the right number.
> Today was the only time it failed me. Not because of the wrong number
> but because the cannot get it (yet). The part is the bushings for the
> front subframe( BTW, 857 199 415B (front) & 857 199 419B (rear)). If
> anyone can confirm or deny the validity of these numbers please let
> me know as I had to call the DEALER.
>>Those numbers are for the 'rear' bushes on the front and rear subframes
>>If you're just interested in the front subframe, you need 2 x 857 199
>>415B and 2 x 431 399 151D.
Problem 2. It's not clear here whether the archive part search should be
looking for front subframe, rear or both. Then, are we looking for the
subframe, the bushings or the "front" or the "rear" of a car. Maybe we could
vote Phil to purge and update all his PN posts. Look at the response. I see
rear bushes, rear subframe, front subframe. What exactly would archive part
search get you here?
Since the many on this list enjoy running running Phil for part numbers (now I
know why he has a reader in his trunk), and he seems not to mind, I advocate
that we develop a PN protocol, Dan. My suggestion is Subj: PN <part>
response be Subj: RE: PN <part>. I also would advocate that the response be
given with the audi name for the part in the description (sometimes what it
is, ain't what audi calls it). That helps both in the ordering process
(dealer/TPC/etc) and the archive search/purge by listers AND our Listmeister.
Also, but probably overkill, the pic listing (group number/ picture number),
since then a dealer that doesn't trust the number (or god forbid, Phil's part
number regurgitation is exactly wrong) can look it up hisself.
Continuing with the above and past posts on PN's, confuses the best of
engines, and by attrition and supercede, by definition will become WOB. And
could be a good reason why you don't have a useful archive search available to
you after 5+ years. The easiest thing to do is not change anything, and let
Phil list every part for every audi here. In the end we have a bunch of posts
with part numbers in them, the thought of every audi made or going to be made,
being part of our archive search seems pretty, well, overwhelming, to say the
least. Phil will have something to do every day for a long time though.
The original post from Phil was a "dork" charge of 40KB WOB to BobD. Dan S
has popped Bob (and Phil) for that, Phil you owe Bob and the list a direct
apology, IMO. Bob has put up an apology for his bad. Dan has made a List
advisory on attachments. OK. Now we have the claimed "offense" by me that PN
chasing is WOB (Phil ISN'T the total problem, just guilt by association and by
statistical search engine processes). How 'bout something GOOD comes of this
whole thing. Let's at least make archive PN searches here potentially better.
I still don't agree with them, but as a List given/want, there sure are a
bunch of better ways to do them.
My .02 arbitraged thru the peso
Scott Justusson
'87 5ktqwRS2
'84 Urq
'87 4Runner (lots of archive search repairs and parts)