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It's Cabin Fever - NO AUDI CONTENT

With Spring approaching in the Northern Hemisphere, it would appear that
all God's creatures are sensing and reacting to the change.  But unlike
other creatures, who seem to go about their rituals rather quietly, homo
sapiens are making quite a ruckus.

I believe this (and other) lists I sub. to have been struck with the 
precursor to Spring Fever...Cabin Fever.  The qlist's case is mild
compared with others, where normally sane and helpful subscribers have
been banished for their utterances by equally crazed list moderators. 
The ensuing, _way off topic_, msgs. surpass several hundred.

My diagnosis is based upon:
1. Normally mild mannered guru P. Payne uttering "dork" when "yet
   another pic." is posted.  Results in semi fevered responses and
   discussions including the inner workings of server/client side email.
2. Out of nowhere comes Mohamed. At first look, he appears in a be in
   "sh*t-stirring" mood when in fact, he is woefully misinformed about
   the list's "raison d'être".  He nails up his "who belongs on the
   list" decree.  Listers (myself included), thinking they have 
   unearthed one of the infamous "audi gods", unleash a barrage of
   cynicism and venom normally reserved for Levant Cur like threads.
   Sorry Levant.
3. Today, the clearest symptom appears in the "BACK SEAT" message -
   mating rituals, nesting, etc..  Upon reading this, one would think
   the writer will soon request leather seat cleaning info..    Nope.
   Phil, whom I now think has spent far too much time in front of a
   fiche reader or inhaling pentosin fumes, muses it's an attack of
   unlicensed behavioral therapists.
4. Other niggling symptoms i.e. msgs. getting >2K indicating
   liberal amounts of piss and vinegar amongst cogent thoughts  
   i.e. PNs, 
Finally, there are the requests from those who appear to be uninfected
requesting the infected to stop. 

My prognosis:
There is no known cure for Cabin Fever other than time and sunlight/
fresh air (sedatives for extreme cases). After several milder
symptomatic manifestations (some may think this msg. is symptomatic),
the affliction will run its course and the list will return to regular
programming.  As already noted by another lister, it behooves all
potential "care givers" to suppress the desire to treat this affliction.

I must go outside now - therapy you know.
MJ Murphy