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Re: A4 2.8 Super Charging

Talk to Tony at PES.   He will be able to tell you a lot.  I'm going to be
doing it myself, and I figure with a modest 5.5psi pressure, nothing will be
damaged.  Keep in mind, a lot of other turbo designed cars on the list run
at 12-20psi.  So I figure we're in the OK.
Haven't heard anything bad yet though.

-----Original Message-----
From: David Lola <djl@alanex.com>
To: quattro@coimbra.ans.net <quattro@coimbra.ans.net>
Date: Monday, March 08, 1999 4:15 PM
Subject: A4 2.8 Super Charging

>Does anybody out there have any type of super charger on their A4 2.8?  I
>thinking about a Performance Engineering Systems (PES) super charger.  I
wanted to
>get some feed back about what to look for as far as performance and
components are
>concerned.  Basically, has anyone encountered problems with other systems
in their
>car such as bent rods or twisted shafts.  The kind of things that happen
when too
>much force is applied to components that may not be able to handle it.