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Re: C'mon, man-help! (two-pump VWs)

>> If the fuel supply system is anything like the VW setup, you might have
>> a lifter pump in the tank as well as an external pump.

>I wish someone would tell me what model of VW uses two pumps.  We've
>had random assertions that both Audis and VWs use two pumps, but I've
>never found such a system in a car.

Poof! (wish granted) The '84-'92 (in Europe) A2/Mk II Golf/Jetta/Bora uses 
such a system for CIS, CIS-E, and Motronic. Weren't these the best-selling 
cars on the continent in their day? Seems unlikely that only the ones 
shipped over here got two pumps, but I suppose stranger things have 

>BTW - what the H@LL is part # 8D0 998 098 for ("Installation kit for
>anti-rodent system, A4Q") and how does it work?

Heh. Is it only for A4 *quattros*? An amplifier for painful ultrasonic gear 

Henry Harper
1991 200 quattro, 100k, one pump
1988 GTI 16v, 188k, look ma, two pumps

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