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RE: 4000 relay clicking with a/c turned on

... my '85 4kSQ does the same thing ... in my case I noticed that it looked
like the compressor stopped turning even though the clutch was on.  I found
that with the engine off I could only turn the compressor a few times before
it got very difficult to turn.  I don't really need air conditioning so I've
never traced it any further, but what I am figuring is that it is the
expansion valve that is plugged ...

... let us know what you find ... I'm tempted to take my car in to have it
fixed ... after checking the going rate for R-12 of course ...

Steve Buchholz
San Jose, CA (USA)

	From:  Bob [SMTP:mx@snet.net]
	Sent:  Friday, March 26, 1999 10:00 AM
	To:  d.locke@snet.net
	Cc:  quattro@coimbra.ans.net; Thomas, Nathan
	Subject:  Re: 4000 relay clicking with a/c turned on

	"Christopher P. Locke" wrote:
	> Thomas, Nathan wrote:
	> >
	> > Whenever I turn the a/c on in my 1985 4000S Quattro there is
	> > an audible clicking sound every 1 - 2 seconds emitted
	> Sounds like you've got too much freon, and the high pressure
switch is
	> releasing the compressor clutch.  Have you had AC work done

	Id bet on low freon. Too high of pressure, and chances are you would
	condensation coming out of vents.
	Same symptoms though, but on the 4000's (with its crappy condensor
	hose design) Id bet low freon.