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Re: No battery, no radio, low milage
On Tue, 30 Mar 1999, Phil & Judy Rose wrote:
> As to mileage: First, what a a "tank"? That's a pretty indefinite unit of
> measure, IMHO. I'm amazed at how often people on this list refer to their
> gas mileage that way. If you run your tank dry each time and refill to a
> fairly reproducible level, that might mean around 20-21 gallons/tank. But
> you're surely not running dry each time. In that "worst" case, your 440
> miles works out to 19-20 mpg; so your actual mpg is probably at least 10%
> better, which doesn't sound bad at all to me. I get 18-20 mpg for
> city/suburban driving in my '91 200q (3-4 hundred lbs heavier car, plus I
> weigh 200 lbs), so I'd imagine you _should_ do better than I. On the level
> highway, I usually get 27-29 mpg at steady 75. How many cats do you carry?
I usually only carry one cat, and the other three are lighter than me ;>
In this case, a tank means about 65L (sorry - I'm metric!) - apparently
that's around 17 gallons. (I've been keeping stats)
> Best rpm range? I try to maximize gas mileage by driving in the highest
> gear possible, yet not falling below rpm needed for peak torque; this for
> my car I take as being a minimum of roughly 1800-2000 rpm. Oh, they also
> tell me that moderate, smooth acceleration will also do wonders to improve
> mpg, but I can't verify that claim. :-)
*ROTFL* Likewise *grin*
"A cat spends her life conflicted between a deep, passionate and profound
desire for fish and an equally deep, passionate and profound desire to
avoid getting wet. This is the defining metaphor of my life right now."