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Re: Mis-Behaving 4kq : more
Have you done a compression test, Mark?
Fred Munro
'91 200q 271k km
-----Original Message-----
From: Mark L. Chang <mchang@ece.nwu.edu>
To: Quattro List <quattro@coimbra.ans.net>
Date: Tuesday, March 30, 1999 7:17 PM
Subject: Mis-Behaving 4kq : more
>As per the instructions of listers, I tested to see if removing the spark
>plug wires one by one would cause any difference in my rough-running.
>Turns out #2 is a bit shady. Removing the spark plug wire from the motor
>end reveals no change in running smoothness. Removing any of the others
>gives me serious stumbling and even more unhappiness, which I take means
>that they are (mostly) running well.
>So, do we have a clogged injector here? I am mostly certain that the plug
>was getting spark because I could hear it arcing as I held it up to metal
>and I could feel it running through me when I accidentally touched the
>metal part of the (otherwise) insulated pliers (doh!).
>So, it seems to be either in the plug itself, or in fuel delivery, right?
>Again, excuse the ignorance.
>A call to my wrench is in order here, I believe.
>Any comments appreciated,
>Windows NT crashed. ICQ 9059481
>I am the Blue Screen of Death. For PGP public key:
>No one hears your screams. finger mchang@ece.nwu.edu