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Sorry to those who get this twice...added q-list afterwords...

List Members,

I was hoping to nail this down before it became a 'what happened to
EKTA'..but it seems that like many things this year, I'm too late. I was
hoping to write this on Thursday, after they went out...but 'fraid not.

For those who just want to know the what it will appear first...for those
who care to hear the why...it's at the bottom.


68 EKTA discs ordered
20 Sent out
40 Going out on Thursday.
20 Done by next week, going out promptly.  FINALLY, DONE! If you ordered
multiples they will come from this 20.



In no way is this meant to excuse my actions. I do not desire any
pity/sympathy. This is for me to learn to deal with, properly so stuff like
this doesn't happen again.

During a period from 1995 to 1997 I have given myself 8 Concussions. Graded
on a  three tier system (three the highest) I've had three grade three
concussions.  Concussion damage is cumulative, and irrepairible.

I've lived with symptoms for two years, including vision problems
(non-driving effected...pull over or don't go when it does), memory
problems, cognitive difficulties.

Late January I finally saw a specialist. Although expecting the diagnosis
of Post Concussion Syndrome, deep down I always hoped there was something
that could be done. There is not. That rocked me

Basically I have the same thing as Mohammad Ali, although different in
symptoms and (I believe) not as severe.

This coupled with a poor semester at school, personal family issues, a
severe car accident with a friend, and an untimely death of a good friend's
Mom, all added up to a pretty crappy Feb/March.

I let a lot of things slide, EKTA was one of them.  This is not an excuse.

I don't accept it for myself as excuse, I ask that niether do you. I ask
for forgiveness, I'm climbing out of a hole here. I feel that I have
disgraced the generosity and comadrae of the q-list, for that I'm deeply

It's odd that I'll tell 1500 people I don't know too well about this,
seeing as my parents didn't even know until January.  Maybe it's

My move to inactiveness on the q-list is becoming almost a norm...I hope to
get back into it a little more...but at this time I'm probably just a
listener...at least 'till school is over.

I've got FAR too many messages in my inbox to deal with, but I WILL answer
any personal emails within a day or two (something I've determined must
happen). Please send them as a high-priority so they catch my attention.

Again, not intended to be an excuse...but, rather, an explination.

-The elusive, Dave Hord