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Re: First wave to other Audi driver

Hi Paul,

Well first I'm an A6 owner and I always wave (volcano black, watch for
me)!  Second I was born and raised here in MN (col. hts.) and pretty
much agree with you about the immigration.  Third when is the German Car
Club Picnic?  Fourth, isn't a merkur just a fancy name on an early 80ish
mustang hatchback (add a goofy double spoiler, etc.)?  I never
understood the appeal of those, but then I've only driven one once. 
What's the draw for those, anyway?  And finally, 10 years ago when I was
just starting college I had the pleasure of driving an orange '72
superbeetle around San Francisco.  I loved that car!!  Wasn't mine
though ... oh well. 


Paul Kuettel wrote:
> Hi All!
> What a fun thread!
> I agree with Todd that *Minnesota Nice* is something of a dying myth, but as he
> as only been here for 12 years and I was BORN here  43 years ago :-( I'm feel
> better qualified to comment.
> There WAS such a thing as Minnesota Nice until about 12 years ago when our
> generous welfare policies started a mass immigration of, um, non-Minnesotans.
> Like Todd!
> Anaway, when I am piloting my '88 5KTQ it doesn't really even OCCUR to me to
> wave.  I also find myself feeling self-important and a bit of a snob.
> When I tool around in my bright yellow '72 Bug, I wave at everybody and
> everybody waves at me!!!  (Except NEW Beetle owners, who are about as friendly
> as your average A6 driver.  Ran out of gas on the freeway last summer and a new
> yellow bug nearly ran me over.  Young, professional chick doing deals on the
> cell phone --oh lawdy!)
> Nothing is as satisfying, however, as encountering a fellow Merkurian, be they a
> Scorp cruiser or XR racer.  You get waves, thumbs up, cheers and sometimes
> u-turns and pulling over to trade names and tales!
> I'm starting a Northstar Merkur Club.  We'll see you Twin Cities Audi snobs at
> the the German Car Club Picnic this summer!  If you don't invite us, we'll get
> there early and fill up the lot ;-)
> Funny what cars do to people :-)
> PK
> Falcon Heights, MN
> 14 Scorps
> 3 XRs
> 1 '72 Bug (original owner, got my driver license in it!)
> 1 '88 5KTQ
> 1 '85 Rabbit (only American car I have ever owned)