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Re: Battery concensus

I've had great luck with batteries from (gasp!) Sam's Club. They fit right
and support the vent tube.

I paid < $50 US at Sam's in Concord NH, USA.


Peter Schulz <schulz@ed.ray.com> on 03/31/99 07:50:11 AM

To:   quattro <quattro@coimbra.ans.net>, 20v <audi-20v@emailsol.com>, 200
cc:    (Glen Powell/US/3Com)
Subject:  Battery concensus


I need a new battery for the TQW.  In the past I bought Sears Diehards
for the CQ. I won't buy another.

Past list concensus was to buy a battery manufactured by Johnson
I found one called the "Everstart" at Walmart for about $76 US, the
problem is that there is no vent line, and that is a concern since the
battery will be under the rear seat.

I think that Scott J recently posted a recommendation of the gasp!
Autobahn battery, but for around $110, I could probably pick up an
Optima sealed battery.

Any Recommendations?


-Peter Schulz
1990 CQ
1991 TQW