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RE: S4 buying gotchas
Absent this 200 vs S4 "mine's bigger", folklore has it that early S4s had weak
transmissions. Audi literature claims "prices and specifications subject to
change without notice", usually because they don't build any two alike. More
folklore has it that transmissions continually got better as Audi did
survivability testing on customer cars. Beware ANY transmission noise,
conversely, someone was offering a You're-a-pee'in S6 still in the crate six
speed for about $5K. That would be interesting, the early S4 with a new
transmission, then start with chip, brakes, etc...
-Ian Duff.
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-audi-s-cars@lists.emailsol.com
[mailto:owner-audi-s-cars@lists.emailsol.com]On Behalf Of Brett Dikeman
Sent: Friday, 02 April 1999 03:05 PM
To: AUDI S Cars Discussion List
Cc: Lewis, Gary M; quattro@coimbra.ans.net;
200q20v@pdikeman.ne.mediaone.net; 'AUDI-S-CARS list'
Subject: Re: S4 buying gotchas
To argue the flipside, the $10k pays for the updated body
style/improvements, better lighting, better tranny(the 200q20v
transmission shifts like hell), etc.
It's arguable whether you get what you pay for with that extra $10k.
Some people shy away from a 200q20v because they don't want something that
looks like a 5000.
On Fri, 2 Apr 1999, Greg Johnson wrote:
> Ah yes, but don't forget the "bang for the buck analysis." According to
> Edumunds, the base price of an 1993 S4 is $20,955 and the base price of a '91
> 200q20v is $10,330. For the $10K, differential, one could make the 200q20v go
> quite a bit faster. For about $4K you could add chips, a transducer, and an
> manifold and turbo and get about 330HP (which is about 100HP more than the S4)
> and you still have $6K more to play with. Big Brakes? Wheels and tires? New
> suspension? Just my two cents....
> GregJ
> "Lewis, Gary M" wrote:
> > Brett said;
> >
> > > No, I'm not in the market...but the parental unit is. Despite the 200q20v
> > > being faster and far cheaper, I guess he's just looking for something more
> > > refined. The early S4's seem to fit the bill.
> > >
> > I don't believe the 200q20v is faster than a S4. Every performance
> > comparision I've seen has the S4 outperforming the 91 200q20v. Remember,
> > the S4 has an overboost function that adds more power.