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Re: Jellymould

Ah.  I believe we call it "Jelly-Bean-Bubble-Butt" :)

I think this term was used originally on the "new" Ford Taurus that 
looks like a cross between a fish and a jelly bean.


At 9:24 PM +0100 4/4/99, Jim Haseltine wrote:
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Brett Dikeman <brett@pdikeman.ne.mediaone.net>
> >>No, it's a jellymould.  Jellomold?
> >
> >Ie, copy?  You're saying "no", then, it seems, "yes"....I'm just
> >really confused now.
> >
>Meaning that it looks like it was moulded - body all curves unlike the sharp
>angles on the Ur-q and early coupe.
>Originally coined as a derogatory description of the Ford Sierra and passed
>on to other windtunnel designed vehicles.
>Jim Haseltine

Brett Dikeman
"Diplomacy is the art of telling someone to go to hell and making 
them happy to be on their way." - Mark Twain

"Oh no.  Not again." - The bowl of Petunias

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big enough hammer." -- Sun System & Network Admin manual

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