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Re: Boo-hoo (Wuz: Great gas out!; gas prices, gas pains, gas gas, etc. )

Our '86 5KCSTQ  has 180K Miles. on the odometer. This means an average of
13,846 Miles a year. I get 25 Miles to the Gallon which means that I buy 554
Gallons a year.  At a little over a $1.00 a gallon, it is the cheapest thing
about the car! Insurance is about $600.   Maintenance, repair$, upgrade$ and
tires, everybody here knows what that mean$ (I do not even want, to find out
what that figure is for me, but we give the Audi whatever it needs),!. Even
at $2.00 a Gallon, I would not complain!  Usually  you get the oil lamp for
free and you have to buy the oil, but we get the gas for nearly next to
nothing, but we have to keep buying expensive new parts, for our cars. I
feel, that as long as the cost of the fuel, is less, than the cost of
payments, insurance,repairs and maintenance, per year, I am doing all right.
Seems to work in my situation. Thanks, Martin.