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Should NATO send ground troops to Kosovo?  Let your opinion be known!

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As you know, the National News Media reports of shocking slaughters of 
thousands of ethnic Albanians.  In fact, almost 100 mass graves have been 
sighted in aerial photographs taken over the area, and the number of missing 
ethnic Albanians thought to be either dead or hiding in the mountains of 
Kosovo reach into the hundreds of thousands. 

Children have been separated from their parents, and even those who have made 
it to the camps are uncertain of whether they will ever see their loved ones 
or their homes again.  Many have been beaten, raped or seen their families 

Some people believe that NATO should send in ground troops immediately.  They 
believe that the ground troops will prevent further mass slaughter of the 
ethnic Albanians still in Kosovo, bring aid to the Kosovars in the camps, 
restore peace in the region, and bring the three captured American soldiers 
home alive.

Others believe that potentially sacrificing the lives of thousands of NATO 
soldiers in order to reestablish peace in Kosovo is too large of a price to 
pay, and that we should continue with air attacks and/or peace negotiations 
until we can come to an agreement.  They further believe that sending in 
ground troops will worsen the situation, possibly even causing a World War 
with Russia.

President Clinton will be meeting with security and foreign policy leaders 
from Congress on Tuesday. Latest reports show that a decision will be made 
this week, and that as many as 100,000 ground troops may be sent in.


It is our intention for this survey to have an impact on the outcome of those 
decisions.  The Internet Polling Committee provides the results of this 
survey via press release directly to the National News Media, such as ABC 
News, FOX News, and CNN for the purpose of International Broadcasting and 
Publication. The Internet Polling Committee is an independent, unbiased, 
third party survey committee.

By taking part in this national survey, you will be helping to decide the 
outcome of this issue, to voice your opinion nationally, and help to offset 
the cost of publishing these results.  Let your opinion be known!

To participate, call:

1-900-737-0034 to vote "Yes" to sending ground troops into Kosovo, and
1-900-737-0035 to vote "No" to sending ground troops into Kosovo.

You will be charged $1.99 for your call (which will help offset the cost of 
submitting and publishing the results) and you must be at least 18 years old 
to participate. US access only.


Survey brought to you by the Internet Polling Committee, Miami, Florida

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