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Re: How I spent my weekend...

> >Which leads to the next question... there is a vacuum or PCV type hose
> >hooked up to a little flange between I think the #2 and #3 injector -
> >right into the head.  I wonder how inportant this is?  I know I will not
> >be using the block vent hose, since the 82 has no block vent, is this
> >just another PCV thing I can do without or is it important to the
> >running of the motor?
> this sounds like the air source for the fuel injector air shrouds.
> i'm not sure if it will run without these, but it sure won't run optimally...

Martin said the same thing.  And I believe you guys... but the injectors
weren't the "shrouded" type - they were exactly the same as in my '82. 
maybe I should swap the head as well... but then I'll have that awful
air pump thing to remove and a big hole to cover.  Who needs brakes

actually the head swap sounds like a good idea.  get it cleaned up,
replace the valve seal things, throw in the turbo camshaft (that way
I'll never know which mod helped or hurt the car!).

So should the injectors in this car have the little shrouds on the tips
like the 87 I just tore open?  they use different, quite different,

btw, the hose I describe could only draw air *from* the head.  And if it
drew much it would goof up the metering.... unless it's source is also
metered.  i think I have to research this more before pestering the list
about it more.

Huw Powell


82 Audi Coupe; 85 Coupe GT