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Re: Clicking seat heater controllers
> In message <000a01be84d8$ddc8cf80$216e439e@a1-0052855.dk.wang.com> thyrsted@olsy.dk (Kenn Thyrsted Nielsen) writes:
> > What do You mean by clicking, - does it periodically sound like a relay
> > activating/deactivating very fast ?
> Sounds like a demented woodpecker in the glovebox.
That's basically the heater reaching it's set temperature by you when choosing a setting from 1 to 6 on the control
dial. There is a point at which the thermocouple gets to a resistance value and the relay turns off. I don't think it
has a range (eg. shut off at 24Kohm and turn on at 22Kohm) and therefore this clicking at the one point. Nothing you
can do about that except go to a higher or lower setting.
My thermocouple failed completely (very common) and I replaced it with a single value resistance (about 13Kohm).
This way the relay always thinks the seat is cold and gives a constant uninterrupted current.
You do loose the safety feature but I am sure you are going to switch it off before your butt turns to well done bacon
: )
Martin Pajak
1982 Audi Coupe Turbo (475,000 km)
1982 Audi Coupe Quattro (155,000 km) Rally car
1983 Audi Ur-quattro (220,000 km)
1986 Audi 4000 S Quattro (386,000 km) with 5 bolt pattern
C.E.O. of examlastminuteallnighterrollthedice inc.