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Re: Clicking seat heater controllers
I am pretty sure that the new cars have a 'swing' range like that. On my old 4K the seat heaters seemed to stay
consistently on, and if on '6', until your bum was branded with an image of the 'quattro' seat stitching. In my A4 on the
other hand, the heaters noticably kick on and off like an electric baseboard. Kind of prefer the old way actually -- with
the new car the seat gets too cold, then real toasty, then cold, then toasty, etc. Suppose there's any kind of relay
interchangability there for retrofitting?
Martin Pajak wrote:
> dial. There is a point at which the thermocouple gets to a resistance value and the relay turns off. I don't think it
> has a range (eg. shut off at 24Kohm and turn on at 22Kohm) and therefore this clicking at the one point.