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Re: low on gas === engine cut out
In message <> Andrei Kogan writes:
> >>There should be enough pressure in the accumulator to cope with the
> >>pump sucking air for several seconds.
> Hmm. The air that gets into the system has to go somewhere. Even if all off
> the components are fine, if you get a large void, it will travel all the
> way to the injectors and then the engine will quit.
Air, unlike gasoline, is compressible. Even quite a lot of air-sucking
only occupies a little space in the lines, and because it has a MUCH
lower viscosity than gasoline, it also flushes through the control
pressure regulator and back into the return line in a flash. The accumulator
makes up the lost volume very easily. Not much (if any) gets to the
Phil Payne
Phone: 0385 302803 Fax: 01536 723021
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