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Re: How I spent my weekend...

> >How do I figure out if a head has mech. or hydr. lifters wihtout taking
> >it apart?  Whne did the coupe GT go to them for instance?
> >
> >thanks
> Started '85, so your 85 CGT should have them.

but the '84 I;m getting CIS-E off for my 82 won't.  Good.  reason is I
want to put in the camshaft from an old (solid lifter) 5kt, has to be a
solid lifter head to use a solid lifter cam... I've been told.  The
reaosn for the head swap would be to keep the injector air shroud pipe,
also lets me get it machined etc. without taking my car off the road...

Huw Powell


82 Audi Coupe; 85 Coupe GT