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Re: CGT Stock Radio Replacement
In a message dated 99-04-14 23:32:44 EDT, you write:
<< 1) Am I mistaken in believing that a radio that will fit into a 4k will
> fit into a CGT (of the same model year) given the similarities in the
> dashes?
you are not mistaken. really, any DIN deck should fit. Perhaps a
control unit (cruise, ignition?) might have to be moved an inch or so?
> 3) Any BTDT's
I've never had any radio fitment problem with my coupe. Which has a 4kq
center console in it now, but... I have some old Kenwood cassete unit.
Certainly no shallower than the run of decks out there.
ok I'll go measure... I have a coupe gt console in my hands now:
Well color me silly, but if you park my 4000CS Quattro and my Coupe GT
together, (so that they occupy the same space in this time-continuimt) hey
have the exact same dashboard, as it would appear. The only difference
appears to be the two, instead of four window switches. Call me a banana and
shoot me in the head though. IE, anything that works in the Q should work
for the GT.
Carter J