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re: CGT rant- front end clunk

I assume you're referring to the large, heavy cap that holds the cartridge
within the strut housing, and not the top nut on the shaft. The VW/Audi
cap-removal tool--from Zelenda--costs only $36 (probably not much more than
a good pipe wrench) and is well worth the investment. It ought to do the
job, especially if you can use it with a pneumatic-impact.  Also, it goes
without saying to use some penetrating oil (pour/spray it on at the top of
the shock cartridge as well as on the strut housing threads).

Phil R.

>Date: Thu, 15 Apr 1999 00:33:56 EDT
>From: DGraber460@aol.com
>Subject: CGT rant- front end clunk
>Well folks, the winner has been disqualified. Replaced the front wheel
>bearings and _still_ have the infamous _clunk_! I have never been so
>frustrated or puzzled by anything mechanical. Electrical-yes, mechanical --
>no. I was considering replacing the strut cartridges while it was apart. The
>machine shop broke their pipe wrench trying to remove the retaining cap nut,
>and suggested I cut it off. I tried later with a bigger pipe wrench and
>cheater pipe; broke my wrench also.
>It's drivable, so I guess I'll just drive it till whatever it is falls
>completely off the car. Very frustrated,
>Dennis Graber

         *  Phil & Judy Rose           Rochester, NY  *
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