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Re:Bilsteins vs BOGE
Nice post Mike...glad to hear form some one who's BTDT.
I've heard that the Boge is specifically designed to work at the stock ride
height... with the stock springs.
If the springs are changed, usually lowering the car, this makes Boge the
wrong shock to use.
Do you know how true this is?
Also, Boge makes three types of strut oil filled (which I understand is
OEM), TurboGas and ProGas which are both stiffer than the oil filled.
Boge oil filled do not have a lifetime warranty.
But the TG and PG both come with a lifetime warranty, which I found Boge
was very good about honoring.
I damaged a Boge TG (my fault) and they cheerfully shipped me a new
one...in fact because I suggested it might be best to replace the pair so
they would be matched in stiffness, they mailed me both at no cost. All
they asked was that I FAX them a copy of my receipt and the new ones were
on my doorstep two days later.
Dave C.