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Subject: Re: audi tech day in southern NH, USA (timing belt-a-thon,part one)

Andrew Pawlisz wrote:
> This is a great idea! Count me in.
> One question, will we be changing the tensioner pulley, water pump, and the 
> oil seal as well?

Wallace White replied:
It's generally recommended that you do all of those with the timing
belt. There's a special tool (don't know the number) for removing the
crankshaft oil seal. I replaced my seal without the tool but only with
Gurdev's drill and help. It was a pain to get out and we did a little
damage to the oil pump in the process, as the drill wandered off the

Especially if you've got a group of people, all doing this, I would get
that seal removal tool. Maybe the seal usually isn't too stubborn, but
mine (an '87 with 150k, original seal) put up a fight. I think Gurdev's
came out more easily.
Wallace:  I ordered the seal puller tool from Zelenda on Monday, and it 
should be here tomorrow or thursday.  Great minds think alike and all that 
we'll probably use it around 7 times this weekend...