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Sick Ur quattro - latest

Didn't know that Phil has left for the USA so I'm sending this to the list.
My ecu arrived back from Phil Payne today - now I can pull the codes so I
should be able to shed some light one the reason for non-starting.

Cranked the engine and pulled the code - 2113 which I seem to remember
reading recently is the Hall sensor? The sensor appeared to check out ok
when I tested it when this problem started, pins 1-2 @ 4 volts (approx.)
when hidden by the cutter and approx zero when not. Could it be possible
that something is out of alignment?

I'll check things again tomorrow night to be doubly sure that everything
is correct and then I'll post the findings.

Jim Haseltine
ps - For those of you who don't know who Jill Dando was - she was a very
attractive and highly popular presenter on British tv. Among the programmes
that she has presented are the prime-time early evening BBC news and
The later is a programme that allows the police to seek help from the public
by reconstructing crimes. Current police theory is that her connection with
the programme resulted in a 'hit'.