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Be Careful Driving in WI (No direct Q content)

Just when you think you've seen it all...

Yesterday on the way home (my normal 120 mi/day commute on I94 between
Madison and Milwaukee) I was clipping along at my normal high (but safe
;-) ) rate of speed protected by my V-1.

Then I notice the trucks are running slower than normal.  I
instinctively back off to about just above the limit, but I'm not sure
exactly why.  About then I notice a Cessna ahead above the Interstate. 
Not unusual since the regional airport (with flying lessons) is right
I crest the hill and it looks like Smokey and the Bandit!

At least 5 marked units with lights flashing (all with people pulled
over) and a couple of unmarkeds (that I could pick out).  Nobody running
radar, no laser.  Radio silence.

Maybe they'll lower my taxes.  Or buy more airplane time. ;-(

Bill Elliott
Lake Mills, WI
85 UrQ with a slightly more aware driver