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RE: High RPMs at highway speed?
Maybe with your car, but the 2.8 A6Q makes plenty of torque under 3k to pull
a much taller 4th gear and redline's only a little over 6k. It just seems
to me like Audi is accelerating engine wear on the car. I for one, plan on
getting 200k out of the car before I think about rebuilding the engine which
is the reason I even brought any of this up in the first place.
Samuel W. Clough
INVESCO Retirement Plan Services
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tomas Leveckis [SMTP:tomas.leveckis@analog.com]
> Sent: Monday, June 07, 1999 4:39 PM
> To: Dan Sinclair
> Cc: Clough, Samuel; 'Audi Quattro'
> Subject: Re: High RPMs at highway speed?
> the only problem here (at least with the 90Q20V) is that you would never
> get to the operating region where the engine seems to be most effective
> (above 4000RPM) until you either ran out of highway or wound up in
> jail...............I think with taller gearing, performance results would
> suffer
> .........especially with a 'high-end' motor like the 20V with a redline of
> >7000RPM.
> Tom Leveckis
> '91 90Q20V