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Re: Injector Removal
In message <376092F6.3FCB@earthlink.net> Wolff writes:
> I wonder what year they changed to metal? Also, in ETKA for '88 it lists
> 034 133 555 a "insert for injector, upper" and 035 133 554 "insert for
> injector, lower". The first is diagram item 7 and the second is (7).
> What is the difference?
For the MC engine.
The "upper" insert is the brass part that screws into the head and
hold the (upper) injector seal. The "lower" insert is a thin brown
plastic (Bakelite?) shroud that clips onto the upper insert. Removal
of old ones is, IME, always destructive. There are two injector seals -
the upper one holds the injector in place in the upper insert, and the
lower one is a tiny silvery rubber thing that seals the tip within
the lower insert to force air through the metal shroud on the end of
the injector and give better atomisation. It's amazing how bad these
can get in old engines. I posted some pictures from MB001293 a few
weeks back.
> Also, 035 133 557 "sealing washer" is listed and looks like it fits
> under the seat. Anyone ever change one of those?
Yes, always, but it's a very tricky job. I've not yet had one come out
in less than three pieces. Good light, seal picks, tweezers, luck, a
small pot of soluble adhesive to dip the very end of your finger in,
more luck ...
Phil Payne
UK Audi quattro Owners Club