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S4 sighting
Hi Y'all,
Saw a reeeeeal purdy dark green S4 on I-64 eastbound in eastern KY this
afternoon. Got a wave and ran with them for a while before the better half
and I drove off and left them. Wisconsin plates STP-206 or something close
to that. The STP is correct for sure.
List member?
* Robert L. Myers rmyers@inetone.net Home 304-574-2372 *
* Rt. 4, Box 57, Fayetteville, WV 25840 USA WV tag Q SHIP *
* '95 S6 Cashmere Grey - der Wunderwagen ICQ 22170244 *
* http://www.cob-net.org/church/pvcob.htm MediaRing Talk 304-574-1166*