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le mans latest: hour 13, audi 3rd

another toyota crashes out @3:10am after a lapping incident.  full course
yellow for an hour.  the 2nd audi r8r moves up, the lead one holds 3rd from
the toyota. the r8c has more gearbox problems (the #10 car has had 2
failures).  bmw running a strong 1 and 2 into daylight...

the lead (#6) audi r8r is running strongly and is still fast..

after 13.5 hours, te positions are: at 0530CET:
1 17 BMW (Kristensen, Lehto, Muller) 202 Laps
2 15 BMW (Winkelhock, Martini, Dalmas) 199 Laps
3 08 Audi (Pirro, Theys, Biela) 198 Laps
4 03 Toyota (Katayama, Tsuchiya, Suzuki) 198 Laps
5 18 BMW (Bscher,Auberlen, Soper) 196 Laps
7 07 Audi (Alboreto, Capello, Aiello) 196 Laps
6 21 Nissan (Cottaz, Goosens, Ekblom) 190 Laps
8 12 Panoz (Brabham, Bernard, Leitzinger) 189 Laps
9 13 Courage (Montermini, Caffi, Schiattarella) 189 Laps
10 52 Viper (Archer, Bell, Duez) 181 Laps
Dawn beginning to show, skies clear.

'95 rs2
'90 ur-q
'88 mb 2.3-16