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re: Door Adventure + Assorted Questions
>Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 21:49:48 -0400 (EDT)
>From: A v G <avangerb@zoo.uvm.edu>
>Subject: Door Adventure + Assorted Questions
>On another topic, the family 200q20v has a soon to fail throwout bearing.
>How nasty a bill is that? Also diffs. are leaking badly. My mother needs
>to take better care of that awesome car. She missed two oil changes, one
>after the other.
I recently had the tranny dropped on my '91 200q and paid for 6+ hrs labor
which included replacing 3 transmission oil seals, rear engine seal,
pilot bearing, and clutch thowout bearing. Do consider the mileage from the
previous clutch job plus the driver's clutch skills and you might want to
do a complete clutch while the patient is open.
Phil Rose Rochester, NY
'91 200q mailto:pjrose@servtech.com
'89 100