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MH99: Qlist events?

The day is getting closer ... MH99 is about 2 months away now!  I know that
there are a number of q-listers who are planning to attend ... AFAIK as yet
there are no "audifans" specific events.  Things are going to be pretty busy
there with all of the events that are already planned, but I was really
hoping that we could put one or three things together over the weekend to
allow the qlisters to meet and chat.  While all Audi fans will have
something to share at the event, I have met quite a few qlisters in person
over the years, either due to visits, previous Audi Fest events and driving
events.  I am posting this message to get the ball rolling, so let me toss
out a few thoughts I've had ...

1) On-track meeting some time on Saturday or Sunday.  I would say that it
would be best to set the time based on who will be there on which day and
the schedule of the driving events at the track.

2) Off track meeting somewhere/sometime - I was thinking that perhaps the
qlisters could choose to get together at one of the related events like the
Concourse Italiano.  Perhaps this could be the staging for the next item.
Another possibility would simply be congregating somewhere near one of the
hotels to kick tires and such.  While I live a bit more than an hour away
from the track I think the wife is expecting that Chez Buchholz might be
used for something like this ... :-)

3) Driving somewhere - You can bet that there's going to be a lot of people
"driving somewhere" on the Monterey Peninsula that weekend, but I'm thinking
that we can do a bit of headscratching and find "the Alternate Route" ... if
there is sufficient interest.  I would imagine that there will be a few
qlisters at the event without their favorite set of rings, but I'm sure we
can figure something out!  Hell, I've got enough quattros I could probably
front some of them to you ... :-)

4) You tell me ... dinner?  hot air balloon ride? :-)

One other thing I'm thinking is that this event is a good opportunity to
pitch the audifans.  I haven't heard anything lately about the fancy new
logo and such, but I think it would be great to set MH99 as a goal for the
rollout.  I've already got my Audi logo flag to wave ... hopefully I can get
an audifans flag to go with it!  Hey, if nothing else, perhaps we can find
some blue screening with "Audi" printed on it to display ... (sorry,
couldn't resist) ...

Steve Buchholz
San Jose, CA (USA)