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WTB: RS2 bumper for '88 90Q
I was travelling west on N 80th (arterial North of Greenlake), when a '94
white 4DR adnoh civic darted across Densmore Ave. N. I tried to stop ABS
on full with 3 week old tires and I t-boned her. Today is her 21st
birthday. I told her now she has 2 reasons to get drunk today. No
visible frame or hood damage, but the bumper has a hole and is pushed in.
I was going to get the bumper painted anyway, but now it must be replaced.
She'll need a new right front door and maybe a rear one.
Where can I get an affordable RS2 bumper cover with the same impact
protection? I know the OEM one is flimsy. I heard there is a good
quality knock off.
'88 90Q
Nathan Belo
Skyline Properties, Inc.
9709 3rd Ave. N.E. Suite 500
Seattle, WA 98115
Residential/Commercial/BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES (Restaurants, Night Clubs,
Gas Stations, Franchises, etc.)
Office: 206.522.3400 ext.333 Fax: 206.522.6890 Pager: 206.559.2356
ICQ# 40806852
"To see a thing uncolored by one's own personal preferences and desires is
to see it in its own pristine simplicity." Bruce Lee--Tao of Jeet Kune Do