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Re: Motronic or KE-Jet?

"Andrew Buc" <abuc@ibm.net> wrote:
> On Sun, 20 Jun 1999 21:46:47 -0700 (PDT), Ti Kan wrote:
> >The L-Jetronic on the other hand uses
> >eletronically-controlled injectors mounted on fuel rails that spray
> >in pulses.
> I think the L is for "Luft" (German for air) or maybe a longer compound
> German word like "air mass meter," "air mass sensor," or some such.

Reminds me of way back, when there was that song "99 Luft 
Balloons" that was sung in German (I believe), and there was an 
English version (although I thought the English version was 99 Red 
Balloons).  IIRC, it was a decent looking female singer (if she was 
fugly, keep in mind I was pretty young at the time <g>).

Anywho, it reminds me of that. <g>
