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RE: Antifreeze
On Wed, 23 Jun 1999, Dan Sinclair wrote:
> "aluminum compatible" on their product? I can certainly buy more VW/Audi
> antifreeze, but it will require a 100 mile drive on a weekday to my "local"
> dealership, and if it's not necessary, I'd obviously rather not.
FWIW, Prestone does make phosphate-free antifreeze which is orange in color.
I remember picking a gallon of it at a local Walmart store.
> -Dan
> Dan Sinclair
> 1988 Audi 90, 71K mi.
> Walla Walla, WA
> Pics&details:
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-quattro@audifans.com [mailto:owner-quattro@audifans.com]On
> Behalf Of Iain Atkinson (ETL)
> Sent: Tuesday, June 22, 1999 11:13 PM
> To: 'Bernard Littau'
> Cc: 'quattro@audifans.com'
> Subject: RE: Pentosin, and Antifreeze - Where to buy?
> Bernard
> Have a look at this http://tech.vw.com/ this is the Audi and VW technical
> service stuff, I read recently some very precise info on Audi's anti freeze
> for this engine,
> Iain
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bernard Littau
> [mailto:bernardl@acumenassociates.com]
> Sent: 22 June 1999 19:41
> To: BustnJustn@aol.com; v8q@u.washington.edu;
> quattro@audifans.com
> Subject: Re: Pentosin, and Antifreeze - Where to buy?
> Justin writes:
> >Are there places, other than the dealer that sell Pentosin?
> What should I
> >expect to pay for this liquid gold?
> >Also it appears that I can use some antifreeze, and I know
> that it requires
> a
> >special type, is this only available through the dealer?
> Again, any
> >information would be appreciated.
> I just bought pentosin from
> http://www.thepartsconnection.com/
> They had it on special last week. I forget the exact price,
> but it was
> can't say much about them other than they exist, but they
> were very helpful
> and kind on the phone and via email. If you are polite, and
> mention the
> Quattro List, they may give you the special price even
> though it is no
> longer on special. YMMV.
> I bought my Prestone Extended Life antifreeze at the local
> large chain car
> stuff store, either Al's or Shuck's up in these parts. The
> aluminum head
> engines need a special antifreeze, generally called
> phosphate free in the
> manuals. The one I bought is orange, is silicon and
> phosphate free, and
> costs about double what the normal antifreeze costs. Until
> I hear otherwise
> that this is a bad idea, this is the antifreeze I use in the
> Audi.
> Best,
> Bernard Littau
> Woodinville, WA
> '88 5kcstq
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