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ETKA will not spawn a "legal fund" thread.

>Gotta agree with Phil here - there ARE copyright issues. Copyright is
>evidence of ownership of something, and the holder of a copyright has the
>right to sue to protect what he owns. There are some "fair use" provisions
>on copyrighted material, but copying the whole thing, and doing so more
>than once, does not fall under this exception. (Copying a page or two to
>show the counter guy probably would.)
>In the real world, "casual" copyright violations go uncaught and
>unpunished, but if someone made a regular thing of it, and made money on
>it, chances are, sooner or later, the legitimate copyright owner will file
>suit to protect their property. Remember that "worthy cause" is OUR
>definition of what's happening. AoA would prefer we all buy brand new cars,
>so they'll see it as theft.
>It is inarguable that support for our cars is on a "do-it-ourselves" basis,
>and that the ETKA is a tremendous resource. Unfortunately for AoA and Audi
>in Germany, the cat is out of the bag, with the CD being posted around the
>internet in places that have bigger things to worry about than a few dozen
>or even a few hundred weird-car-geeks (tm) copying obsolete parts books.
>That still doesn't make it right, and "We needed it" isn't a legal defense
>for copyright violation.
>If someone is going to do this, I think they need to understand the issues
>involved. If they decide to continue, they should keep a low profile about
>it. Even though they may see themselves doing a good deed for other owners
>they may find themselves in serious legal trouble.
>The LAST thing I want to do is shut down the supply of service information,
>but I don't see a legal way to distribute this material. Suggestions on
>alternatives eagerly accepted!
>Best Regards,
>Mike Arman

This makes just too much sense.  The last thing I want to do is have this
whole list shut down because of something I did.  (and the creation of a"
legal fund"  thread on this list).  So, until some legal form of
distributing this material arises, the production of the ETKA will have to
halt.  My hobby with burning bulk CD's has always dealt with direct order
from those who own the material legally (band mambers).

Does anyone know someone who works for AoA or at least in a dealership
where they could tell us how wo obtain this material legally?  Does AoA
have a part number for the ETKA cd?  I know other manufacturers sell their
parts catalogs (in printed form)  often as another part obtainable through
their service desk.  Does the ETKA cd reference itself somewhere?

I'm sorry to all of those who sent me requests.  I will continue to find
out how we all can obtain this ETKA cd legally from AoA.

thanks for the effort.
eric augustyn

Eric Augustyn!
CT's favorite Punk/Ska band!

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At the Tune Inn in New Haven, CT for the Sgt. Scagnetti relelease party!!!!
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