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RE: sub lists


I agree entirely, what more can i say.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-quattro@audifans.com [mailto:owner-quattro@audifans.com]On
> Behalf Of Mike Arman
> Sent: 29 June 1999 14:49
> To: quattro@audifans.com
> Subject: sub lists
> The list isn't particularly broken, so I think we shouldn't be trying to
> fix it . . .
> I'm getting three to five digests a day, and can go through them
> in five to
> seven minutes each - unless there's something I'm particularly interested
> in or someone I need to answer.
> In return for fifteen to twenty minutes a day, I get thousands of dollars
> worth of free advice, have bought parts, made friends, learned how to fix
> stuff (and passed this along), etc. Much better return on my investment
> than the same time spent watching TV, thank you!
> The fact that cars I don't own (4000s, URQs, etc.) are on the list doesn't
> bother me at all - I just skim the digest and read what I want, just like
> the newspaper. Eventually, I will probably have some newer Audis than the
> ones I have now, and the comments about these cars (which I am
> reading now)
> will mean a less steep learning curve when I DO get the S-6 of my dreams -
> I'll have had a sneak preview!
> Fragmenting this list into even smaller segments may be counterproductive.
> Remember that there simply are not that many of us to start with,
> and there
> will eventually be fewer and fewer of us simply because Audi isn't making
> any more 5TQs, 4KQs. URQs, etc. I'd hate to see this list drop below
> "critical mass" and die because it is so fragmented that there
> are only two
> members on each of 350 microscopic sub-lists.
> Just because we *CAN* do something (exotic filtering, microscopic
> categories) doesn't mean we *SHOULD* do it. Also remember that someone has
> to categorize all this, filter it, sort it, and heaven forbid
> someone makes
> a mistake in their subject line and winds up in the wrong category - we'll
> NEVER be able to recover it!
> Don't complicate - simplicate.
> Best Regards,
> Mike Arman