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88 80q Center Muffler Replacement
OK laugh if you want to but here goes --
The center muffler in my 88 80q rusted and busted open. The pipes going to
and from the muffler are in excellent condition (for being the originals.) I
could not see spending over $200 for this section when the pipes were in good
condition, so I took at $17 shot in the dark.
I ordered a glass pack muffler from JC Whitney. 4" diameter body by 13" long
case with 2-1/4" weld connection. It cost me $15 to have the old one cut out
and the new one welded in.
For $32 it sounds pretty cool. It's got that raspy glass pack resonence, but
it's not loud at all. Pretty cheap way out if any one is interested.
Scott Calabrese
88 80q