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RE: Is an Ur-q I5 an interference engine?

... no ifs, ands or buts ... the WX engine is an interference engine.  I
learned this when I was reinstalling the head (that had been pulled due to
breaking a bolt extractor in the rearmost EM stud ...).  Bentley cautions to
rotate the engine to a position where all pistons are away from the deck
when reinstalling ...

Steve Buchholz
San Jose, CA (USA)

> ----------
> I know that this question has been asked time and time again in this
> forum,
> but would anybody like to hazard a guess (or two) as to how much damage
> there is in my engine?
> Current situation is that the crankshaft Woodruff key sheared when the
> engine was pulling some 6000rpm and car was travelling at close on 100mph.
> Go on, take a guess - there's no prize, no cash, no Kudos.
> How lucky have I been?
> I already know 'cos I've just pulled the head.