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Anyone else get their own car(car-scope)lil long

                 " Boy oh boy, Arthur, you picked a vehicle which is just 
about perfect
                  for you. Congratulations! For example, when compared to 
                  people who own an Audi A4, you're just about the same in 
terms of
                  your educational level, your tolerance for taking risks, 
and your grasp
                  of reality.

                  But there are some psychographic and/or demographic 
measures on
                  which you differ from other Audi A4 owners. For example, 
you're a bit
                  too young to be driving this vehicle, and you care a bit 
too much about
                  your car compared to other Audi A4 owners.

                  Car-O-Scope Makes Suggestions for More Compatible

                  Despite the fact that your personality profile pretty much 
matches that
                  of Audi A4 owners, Car-O-Scope would like to suggest some
                  alternative vehicles--should you be thinking of making a 

                  Note: some of these suggestions might surprise you. But try 
to keep an
                  open mind. It's quite possible that the car-o-scope has 
                  some hidden and/or repressed aspects of your personality. 

                          Volkswagen Corrado
                          Ford Probe
                          Mitsubishi Eclipse
                          Ford Mustang
                          Ford Granada

                  So, let's look at your compatibility profile vis-a-vis the 
                  Corrado. If you dumped that Audi A4 and got yourself a 
                  Corrado, you'd be a lot happier. "

I guess having a corrado or and eclipse would not be too bad. Just curious 
hold old do you have to be to be able to drive an A4.  What con-census among 
the group.