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Re: Climate control problem
Could be your 12-year-old blower fan (same fan used for heater) is starting
to fail. Ever hear a little chirping sound in the wintertime?
Kneale Brownson
At 10:19 AM 8/4/99 -0700, Mehul_Naik@amat.com wrote:
>I have a Audi 5000CS turbo(1987) with auto climate control.
>Recently, I have started seeing this problem.
>The A/C takes too long to start up(it comes on, but does not flow air) and
>air. Sometimes, it won't flow any air for 15-20 min, then start and run ok for
>10-20min, and then go on the blink again.
>As a generalization, the A/C seems to flow air more consistently when cruising
>on the highway. Stop and go traffic, the air flow almost never comes on.
>Whenever, the air flow works, I get nice cold air.