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"Shall I or shall I not" buy a 1990 Quattro V8

Sorry if I double posted, but somehow I managed to throw me off the list by
myself...  ;-)  Please re-mail answers to me directly if you had answered
already to the list   ==>  techbiz@mindspring.com

------original copy-------------------------------------

I had a new Audi 100 in 1992 AND LOVED IT.  A gorgeous 1990 Quattro 3.6 V8
was offered to me for peanuts, with 118,000 on the odo.  It should be a
commuter for my wife, and then some fun for me too...  

HOWEVER, this could be a very expensive 'mistake' if a '90 Quattro goes
permanently in 'repair mode'.

What are general problems with those 4x4 Audis at this milage?  What
services do I need to check in the history and  look for?

Thanks for feedback,

Eric V.