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Coolant reservoir (was Re: typ44 questions...again :<)
Rig up new female part via parts from radio shack....not hard. I reccomend
getting new coolant reservior! I just replaced mine this weekend as I had
the one on my old 5000 break and it was so dirty and nasty looking you could
barely tell the coolant level without holding a flashlight to it.
Replaced with a brand new one and it is great to be able to see the coolant
level and not have to worry about it breaking and leaking coolant! Plus, I
can see the condition of the coolant. Once it gets nasty looking I just
change it. Nice and green now. I got the reservoir from Blau for $37.
Also, I changed out the heater control valve with an all-metal one I bought
from NAPA. Seems to work fine. The old one had some gaskets floating
around in there so I wasn't about to put it back on. I've heard these can
break easily on high milage cars as well.
Good luck, and I just want everyone to know that I HIGHLY reccomend
replacing your original coolant reservoir!
-----Original Message-----
From: JordanVw@aol.com <JordanVw@aol.com>
To: quattro@audifans.com <quattro@audifans.com>
Date: Monday, August 09, 1999 5:10 AM
Subject: typ44 questions...again :<)
>well, on my quest to find out why the coolant level warning light comes on
>about 1 minit everytime after i start my '86 5kTQ (and its not the switch
>the bottom of the expansion tank, either) i was checking the wires at the
>thermostat. this is the the "multi function sensor" switch that is located
>where the top rad hose goes into the block, the switch that points down,
>a rubber boot covering the wires.
>well, first of all that rubber boot does more harm than good. i pulled it
>away from the switch, and the wires behind it were corroded from moisture
>getting trapped in the boot, ant not drying out. apparently this switch is
>supposed to have 4 male prongs. well, mine doesnt. ??? the one on my 84
>5kT DOES have 4 prongs... also the female plug that plugs onto the switch
>4 connectors on it, not 3. so there's one wire that's not doing anything.
>blue one) . the female plug is pretty well FUBAR'ed. 2 of the wires broke
>of it. anyone ever replaced this plug? the heat has taken its toll on the
>bakelite plug, and it's just all crumbly to the point where it wouldnt hold
>the female connectors anymore, so i crimped on some generic ones.
>anyway, i plugged it all back in, exept for the blue wire, which didnt have
>prong to plug into. somehow i think this is the wrong multi function
>switch, since it only has 3 prongs instead of 4. will the multi function
>sensor switch from a '84 5kTurbo work on a '86 5kTQ? i have a good one on
>84 5kT parts car, i might as well use it if its the same switch.
>also, when replacing this switch, any tips? should i use some of that white
>pipe sealant stuff, to prevent leaks?
>also, regarding my non working (intermittantly) brake lights - the brake
>light switch is above the cruise control shutoff switch, on the pedal
>well, i had a hard enough time seeing the darn thing (had to use a tiny
>mirror) how does one get to it to replace it??? i didnt see anything on
>replacing the brake light switch in the Bentley..
>thanks for all those of you who have helped on this so far, and i
>your help -
>'86 5kT, TQ