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Re: Is there REALLY no one who can help??

    Hmm, let's see. Searching for files, searching for files.....Yes, I've
done tranny work! I've replaced the mainshaft and synchros on a '66 Dodge
A100 3 speed. I've done the synchros and bearings on a '69 Muncie M20 4
speed. I didn't have the manuals, but I did have an exploded drawing for the
A100. E-mail wasn't invented yet. I was young and financially challenged. I
had access to a complete selection of machinist's measurement tools. You
could do what I did - open it up, measure everything, put in the new parts,
and drive on.This isn't brain surgery, but it does require precision and
enough mechanical know-how to recognize how the parts fit and work together.
If you don't have the mechanical background to do this kind of work, no one
can "talk you through it" by e-mail. If you have the background, you can
probably figure it out by yourself.

    The Audi transmissions are so reliable that I doubt many listers have
faced this problem. Most people don't want to touch trannies for various
reasons, and when they have problems, they get a used or rebuilt box and
plop it in.

    Personally, if the situation permits, I'd try to fix it. All you have to
lose is some time and whatever parts you buy. If you botch the job, you need
another tranny anyway. Manual trannies are pretty tough, and you'd really
have to foul up big time to render one totally unserviceable. If you boob,
it may not last too long, and it will let you know in no uncertain terms
that you did something wrong, but it will drag the car around for a while.
On the other hand, it is quite easy to render an auto tranny unserviceable
with just a minor, almost insignificant, really, really tiny mistake - but I
don't ever want to go there again.

    You can't demand a response from this list. If people are gracious
enough to respond, be grateful for the help. If no one can or will help, you
have two choices. Dive in and fix it yourself, then you can grace the list
with your BTDT and give us the benefit of your learning, or pay someone else
to fix it for you. Your choice. Shouting pleas at the list won't go too far
towards fixing the problem. It will get you some smart-a$$ responses like
this, however.

    Good luck, chum.

Fred Munro
'91 200q  279k km

----- Original Message -----
From: Obin Olson <obin_olson@hotmail.com>
To: <quattro@audifans.com>
Sent: Thursday, August 12, 1999 12:23 PM
Subject: Is there REALLY no one who can help??

> I thought this list was to share information about Audi's and how to
> Sorry to get nasty but people are telling me that no one on the list has
> done any tranny work....I just can't believe that, is it REALLY TRUE????
> Please do you have a friend that has done work on a tranny? your mom? your
> bro? I don't care who, just get me in touch with someone who has BTDT!!
> PLEASE! All i'm asking for is a little help
> TIA!
> Obin Olson   88 90 bad 3rd gear syncro,  88 80q bad 3rd gear syncro
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