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typ44 PW prob AARGH!!! it doesnt rain for 2 months, and now......
Here in the northeast we are having a record drought...hasnt rained (aside
for a 3 minit sprinkle or two) in over 2 months.. the well at my parents
farm has dried up...everything is brown and dead... and today..all 4 power
windows in my '86 5kT decide they dont want to go up. then...this
evening....(of course) for the first time in 2 months we had to have a
torrential T-storm and downpour!!! the Audi gods MUST hate me!!!!! Nothin
like the smell of wet leather to add to my bad mood..
anyway.. the prob is that there doesnt seem to be any power going to the
window switches on the drivers doorpanel. None of the window switches do
anything. There IS power going to the power mirror switches, tho. i pulled
the switchpanel out of the drivers doorpanel, and everything is plugged in
correctly from behind, and i also wiggled the wires around at the rubber boot
where they go into the drivers door, with no response. any ideas as to what
this could be? a bad relay?
Now, of course, since all of my windows wont go up, the Audi gods will make
it rain everyday, and the drought will be over :<) right... :<)
'86 5kTx2, TQ kepin me busy....