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Re: I've got a problem.........

Do What I did, Drive a quattro in bad weather, drive a supercharged mustang
in the dry  and blow their doors off!


87 5kcsq ski car
89 LX 12.4@113
Dr. Jekle & Mr. Hyde

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeryd <Leuck@concentric.net>
To: quattro@audifans.com <quattro@audifans.com>
Date: Saturday, August 21, 1999 4:39 PM
Subject: I've got a problem.........

>    First of all I would like to thank every body for there help with their
>E-Mails to me explaining how to fix my Audi. (86 4KCSQ)
>    Thanks very much.
>Second I would like to explain my problem.
>    You see all my friends have got faster cars.  Not cooler cars, just
>are faster.  The only time I can win a race of off the line sprint is when
>it is winter, or it just rained or any other time that would give my AWD
>    Here is a list of the cars that my friends own:
>        84 Trans-Am (V8)
>        86 Firebird (V6)
>        88 Firebird (V6)
>        ??  280z (V6 I think)
>        72 Mustang (V6)
>So what should I do?  I was thinking about selling my car and getting a
>Porsche 944, but then I would loose the AWD and 3 seats (the back seats in
>the 944 are too small for my friends).
>Does anybody know of any ways to make my Audi 4KCSQ faster with out
>alot of money?  Any body have any used parts that could make me go faster
>for cheep?  Maybe a cheep 5KT engine that is laying around that I could
>Thanks for any help
>1986 4000 CS Quattro