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Sticking Shock+Spring - Loose Nut - Tire Rotation Direction?

    I was poking around my car today and noticed rear Dunlops are going the
opposite direction of rotation arrow.  Is this ever done for a reason?
    Also the rear driver's shock+spring isn't moving freely.  It sits on the
rubber bump stop, but it can be lifted.  Once lifted it sticks up high and
will not move down until pushed down.  It doesn't feel like it's sticking
during movement, but it doesn't act like the rear passenger's side which
moves up and down and sits properly.
    Also noticed the nut on the bolt for the shock on the passenger's side
isn't tightened into the mount at all.  The nut is at the end of the bolt.
It isn't loose, something to tighten maybe?
    I can't get in contact with the mechanic who did the work.  Something is
wrong with the phones around here.


    Alexander van Gerbig '88 80

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