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Re: Lambda Guage

> > Does anyone out there know a cheap scource for these, or have a schematic to
> > build my own (preffered....want more than the std. 10 LED bar anyway)
> > 

> Try http://www.students.tut.fi/~eppu/dev/EGO-bar.html

> I built one from these plans, and it works very well. Only 10 LEDs, though, but I'm happy
> with it. 

I built a bunch of 20 LED versions for list members which came out
around $30 each.  If there is enough interest, ie at least 10 units,
I can make some more.  They would be _without_ an enclosure.

Personally, I use a 10 LED version, based on the LM3914 (they all are).
The LM3914 data sheet is all you need - go look on www.national.com.
