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Re: The rest of the Audi/Auto Union photos are up...

Man, it's sure exciting already by looking at those pics....
I wonder which Audi racer won the race on that day? did the
Trans-Am 200q or the IMSA-GTO 90 beat the R8R? 


On Fri, 3 Sep 1999 MSV96@aol.com wrote:

> Links remain the same:
> http://motorsportvisions.com/Audi/audi1.htm
> http://motorsportvisions.com/Audi/audi2.htm
> http://motorsportvisions.com/Audi/audi3.htm
> Believe it or not, there were other kinds of cars at Monterey Historics 1999 
> besides Audis and Auto Unions. Look for over 60 shots of those "other cars" 
> sometime next week. I will post the links when they are all up.
> Hope you all enjoy...
> Mike Veglia
> 87 5kcstq