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As far as the UK is concerned, the governing legislation is the Wireless
Telegraphy Act, which includes the visible spectrum.

However - a UK court has recently interpreted "receiving" under the
precise terms of the Act as deriving _content_ from the signal.  Merely
determining that a signal exists does not count as "receiving" under
the law, and therefore no licence or permit is required for any device
that merely indicates the presence and not the content of a signal.

This obviously means that the signal strength meters carried by antenna
installers need not be licenced - nor do I need a licence for the device
I use to check my microwave oven for leakage.

And should I feel the need to make sure my engine management system is
not leaking microwaves in the Ka band, I would be perfectly entitled
to mount a detector in the vehicle.

 Phil Payne
 UK Audi quattro Owners Club
 Phone: 0385 302803   Fax: 0870 0883933